Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.4.0
Please note that we’ve left our payment provider. From now on you can buy and renew your licenses directly from our homepage
Please note that we’ve left our payment provider. From now on you can buy and renew your licenses directly from our homepage
FeatureNew button for license renewal
FeatureNew button to open tracefile
FeatureSupport for Microsoft Outlook® 2021
FeatureNew icons for the tasklist depending on the importance state (yellow=normal, blue=low, red=high)
Featuresort tasklist by priority inside the due date so tasks with the same due date are sorted by importance
Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.3.0
FeatureYou can now add shared calendars

Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.2.3
BugfixLicense registration will fail if there is a space at the end of the licensekey
BugfixWith version the tracelog was enabled by default
FeatureA red notification text will be displayed next to the settings button if trace mode is active
FeatureNew setting to hide weeknumers
Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.2.2
BugfixMass updates through other sync plug-ins such as CalDav led to slow behavior in MS Outlook
BugfixThe sort label in the task area was cut off at high resolution
FeatureNew setting “Activate trace” for better error analysis
FeatureNew Setting “Dateformat” for appointments
FeatureNew setting: You can now change the color of a source by double-clicking it
Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.1.0
BugfixSettings Weeknumberrule, FirstdayofWeekt were not saved correctly
BugfixLanguage setting is overwriting regional format
FeatureImproved readability in darkmode

Puresoft Outlook® TodoPane v2.0.0.0
FeatureCalendar control DevExpress v20 with Office 2019 theme
FeatureThe settings window has been completely redesigned
FeatureThe first day of the week can now be set
FeatureThe rule for determining the calendar week can now be set
FeatureThe language can now be set
FeatureThe first loading process can now be delayed by setting
FeatureThe error log can now be deactivated by setting
FeatureWhen creating appointments via the TodoPane, the target calendar can now be selected
FeatureWhen creating tasks via the TodoPane, the target folder can now be selected
FeatureNew setup bootstraper to determine Outlook® x86/x64
FeatureNew setup module SSE v10.0
Bugfix A Problem around displaying emails as tasks has been fixed
Bugfix Email tasks are not loaded with an IMAP account
Bugfix New appointments do not highlight the day in the calendar